Necessity Is The Mother of Invention

Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:

The need?
To save the Orangutans which are facing extinction due to our inconsiderate actions of deforestation.


This blog is born.
Dedicated to giving new hope to these endangered primates, we would like to inform every human being on this earth about OUR responsibilities as to how to give them new hope.

We want people to be aware of the effects their actions have on the environment.

By starting this blog, we are doing our best to encourage everyone to start doing their part in taking care of this gentle ape. We need our readers to realize how precarious their situation is. Orangutans lie on the brink of extinction and only through our combined efforts will there be even the slightest chance of the species making it through the next few years.

By blogging about Orangutans, we hope not only to prevent this one species from becoming extinct but to also save the environment. If more people understood how their actions, whether directly or indirectly cause the Orangutans to suffer, maybe..just maybe.. they will start taking better care of the flora and fauna around them too.


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